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Fairchild Innovation Consulting

Commercialising Research and Development


Below are key publications, presentations and white papers that highlight the innovation process and outline opportunities.


Answers From Space: How Lessons From NASA Can Help You Make the Most of New Technologies   

This was a presentation to the Central Innovation Network, Cranfield University, United Kingdom, 4 February 2004. It outlines how experience gained from commercialising space technologies at the NASA Johnson Space Center can be applied to R&D organisations and commercial firms. It includes the NASA JSC Commercialization Model, plus recommendations for both R&D organisations and commercial firms.

White Paper on SBIR Commercialization (SBIR Phase III)

The US government spends one billion dollars annually on research and development by small businesses. These funds are distributed competitively, primarily through the Small Business Innovation Research program. Phase I winners receive up to $70,000. Phase II winners receive $600,000. Phase III (commercialisation) is unfunded. Most technologies languish at this point. This white paper outlines an opportunity for commercially-driven organisations to help commercialise the most promising of these technologies. 



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