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Commercialising Research and Development


The following are papers and presentations that have been developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, documenting the development and implementation of its commercialization activities.



A Commercialisation Model:

The NASA JSC Commercialization Pipeline

The "commercialization pipeline", developed at the NASA Johnson Space Center, outlines technical, patent, marketing and commercial activities associated his moving a technology from the laboratory to the marketplace. Ultimately, different commercialisation projects will be found at all stages of this pipeline.


NASA-JSC Division Briefing:

Presentation to NASA Johnson Space Center Technology Divisions

A key part of the commercialization process at NASA is both the training and incentivizing the scientists and engineers in the 17 technology divisions. This presentation was the first step in this process. It is followed up by additional visits to each division to help them identify their most promising technologies.


ISU97 Paper: 

Commercializing U.S. Federal Lab Technologies and Prospects for Privatization:

A Presentation at the International Space University Alumni Conference, Houston, Texas, July 11-12, 1997.

This paper was the first public presentation of the commercialization process at NASA-JSC. It also laid out potential market niches for the creation of profit-driven industries, based on commercializing federal lab technologies.




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